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Jewish Baseball News
News and stats on Jews with bats
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Youkilis placed on DL, may be out for season
August 4, 2010 (Wednesday)
POTD: Braun, Kipnis, Cutler
August 4, 2010 (Wednesday)
POTD: Ryan Braun (5 hits)
August 3, 2010 (Tuesday)
POTD: Valencia, Kopp, Rapoport, Satin
August 2, 2010 (Monday)
Players of the day: Guez, Stern, Axelrod
August 1, 2010 (Sunday)
Player of the day
July 31, 2010 (Saturday)
Players of the day
July 30, 2010 (Friday)
Valencia goes nuts: Day 2
July 28, 2010 (Wednesday)
Valencia’s four-fer
July 27, 2010 (Tuesday)
Elliott Maddox’s latest hit: Bar Mitzvah
July 27, 2010 (Tuesday)
Players of the day
July 26, 2010 (Monday)
Despite back, he’s back
July 23, 2010 (Friday)
Players of the day
July 23, 2010 (Friday)
Player of the day
July 22, 2010 (Thursday)
Rehab, promotions and more
July 19, 2010 (Monday)
Mid-season minor-league leaders
July 18, 2010 (Sunday)
Wittels loses ESPY bid
July 14, 2010 (Wednesday)
Garrett Wittels: Proud Jew
July 14, 2010 (Wednesday)
Tally of Jews in MLB draft reaches 11
July 12, 2010 (Monday)
Jewish category leaders at the All-Star Break: MLB
July 12, 2010 (Monday)
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